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Self-hypnosis helps your mind power

Self-hypnosis Self-hypnosis is one of the important technique to help yourself: With this technique you can do following: 1.It helps t...

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Factors affecting on Mind Power

Mind Power
Mind Power

1)    Your thoughts:
Your thoughts have the strong impact on your mind. So what you think you become. If you think you are strong, strong you will be and if you think you are we, weak you will be. Always think positive for yourself, no matter what the others are thinking about you. So have the strengthen thoughts and just ignore all that you make weak by physically, mentally and spiritually.

2)    Start the open discussion with you.

It is better to meditate, listen and have an open discussion with yourself. Your mind though young has much to say. Your mind is a tool that loves helping you it simply needs to know you appreciate this. You have a balance that needs to be kept between your mind, soul, heart, and body. Be patient and loving with yourself inside, it begins to radiate outside.

3)    Focus on positive mind power:
You can make strong mind by controlling were in my brain my consciousness is focused, by reducing the focus on anxiety areas and increasing the focus on positive areas you have only positive thought.

4)    Treat your mind like your friend:
Always think your brain is your friend and handle with dignity, respect, and compassion
If you will not open with your mind thoughts, you will be locked in a constant battle, you will never win. Set up good tuning with the mind, dance with it, guide it, and enjoy the path.

5)    Be loyal with your mind:
Accept your weaknesses and utilize your strengths, only then you will be the master of your mind.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Help with Alpha Mind Power

Alpha Mind Power

Alpha Mind Power

The Alpha Mind Power is when you are relaxed while awake. There are different techniques which will help you to be in the alpha state of mind, including deep breathing, visualizations, and countdown.

How to relax your mind:

1.    Get comfortable :
 To go into the alpha state of mind, you need to be relaxed and comfortable with your body. We prefer to lying down body position to falling asleep and feeling relaxed.

2.    Chose the perfect time:
You have to choose the best time when you are relaxed from work. Focus on your meditation to improve your alpha level mind power.

3.    Avoid distractions points:
To get in an alpha state of mind, you need to be focused on your meditations. Play some relaxing music to focus on meditation easily.

4.    visualization :
Always do deep breathing before you go into visualization so that you feel completely relaxed as you enter the alpha state of mind.

Sunday 17 December 2017

The Real Subconscious Mind Power Secret

The Real Mind Power Secret
The Real Mind Power Secret
In history, Buddha said,” What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow”.

In short, our life is the creation of our mind thoughts. Mind power is responsible for all of our emotions, expectations, and motivations. By controlling the mind thoughts, you have a whole new way to change your life.

The purpose of the subconscious mind is to store information and retrieve it from past experience subconscious mind collect the information in such a way, to ensure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed.

We will discuss few secrets of mind power here to improve your brain power:

1.    Visualization techniques: This is the powerful technique in mind power session. This technique helps you to imagine what exactly you want from your future life in subconscious mind. And after few days you will see all your thoughts will come true.
2.    Subconscious mind meditation: meditation is the key to merging the current state of mind, with the power of your subconscious mind.
3.    Believe yourself: By believing yourself you can help to build positive self-esteem. This technique is easy to follow and much effective.

Benefits of subconscious mind meditation:
1.    A greater sense of empathy & understanding for others
2.    The ability to heal yourself from the inside out
3.    Super-easy access to life solutions
4.    Clarity of thought at all times
5.    Remember everything in greater detail
6.    dramatically enhanced learning abilities
7.    Creative abilities you never dreamed possible
8.    An understanding of the root of your fears and negative phases.

Saturday 16 December 2017

Mind Power Secrets

Mind Power Secrets
Mind Power Secrets
Your mind is the most mysterious place. Your conscious mind grabs information from our regular, day to day activities. Alpha level is the first state which is associated with relaxation of the meditation process.

In this state, you will begin to be able to access your subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a guardian and a gatekeeper, using the data stored from these events to deduct likely probabilities and prompt us accordingly.

The Greatest Power is the Power of our Subconscious Mind. Once we understand this and learn to use the power within us, we can create wonderful changes in our life.

The subconscious is communicating with it constantly based on our inner emotions, programmed as we described above. Based on this programming, combined with the Universal law of vibration that states we are like a tuning fork based on signals we put out, people, events, and circumstances are "attracted" to our lives without our conscious awareness.

Friday 15 December 2017

Facts about the subconscious mind power

Subconscious Mind Power
Subconscious Mind Power

There are more interesting fact about our subconscious mind power which we never know.

1.    It takes everything literally.
2.    It is not bound by time and space.
3.    It is always alert and awake.
4.    It has no verbal language.
5.    It speaks to you in dreams.
6.    It is unable to process negative words.
7.    It runs 95% of your daily life.

How to communicate with the subconscious?

Here is how-
1.    Write down all your to-do list for your future.
2.    Write down all your worried  or negative feeling about
3.    Think negative situation into a positive
4.    Always says I am doing this and it will make me successful in life.

You have to practice the subconscious mind power communication to build good personality.

Top 5 Exercises To Activate Your Subconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind Exercise
Subconscious Mind Exercise
"We are what we think"

Our subconscious mind is underrated tools which gifted us to perform better and achieve more in life. Always remember subconscious mind obeys our thoughts and give back what we wanted through the projection of thoughts. The thoughts are energy and our subconscious mind transforms them into reality.Success is yours as long as you know how to program and use your subconscious mind the right way.

Following are 5 exercises which help you to activate and program subconscious mind:

1.Visualization: This is simplest techniques for them who can use to boost their subconscious mind power. One of our student cut out a picture of a house he loved from a magazine to paste it on his vision board. After 4 years later, he forgot about his vision and then he moved to his new flat and discovered his old vision board.

It is a very powerful technique which helps us to activate and boost the power of our subconscious mind. It releases our stress, makes us more refresh and recharges our mental power. This allows us to better attract the things we want in our life.

For meditation, choose a place where you can sit down comfortably. Sit straight and calm. Place your hands on your lap and then close your eyes. Try to concentrate on your breathing.

3. Positive Affirmations:

Positive thinking is often an important technique. Positive affirmation is easy to practice. You just need to say the words aloud or inside your head regularly.

4.Getting out of your comfort zone:
This can be a very powerful exercise that you can utilize to improve your brain power because you are experiencing growth from doing things that are out of your norm. When you have experience something new, you are actually expanding your comfort zone. You are programming your subconscious to think outside the box to do something different which will help you to grow confidence level on the inside.

5.Do Free Writing:

It is a process where you need to write down your thoughts on paper. It has the amazing benefit you can get from free writing is that you learn to trust yourself better.

Thursday 14 December 2017

Best Mind Power Techniques

Mind power meditation
Mind Power Meditation

To enhance the mind power meditation is best option to make it calm and peaceful. Medication helps us to free from worries and mental discomfort easily.

Meditation practice gives spacious feeling in the mind. The difficult situations will become easier and we will naturally feel stable in every situation.

The medication will give you following benefits to improve mind power:

1.    A positive outlook on life & better relationships
2.    Increased confidence & self-esteem
3.    Reduced anger & frustration
4.    Greater inner peace & happiness
5.    Improved concentration and focus in daily life
6.    Improved mental and physical well being

Mind power has the tremendous capacity for processing information is beyond words. If you apply visualization and alpha mind power techniques with your subconscious mind you will overcome many difficult situations.

Visualization and mind power

Visualization is the method of processing data graphically and interacting with these representations in order to gain insight into the data. It is happening when subconscious mind is more active.

Mind power Visualization
How the visualization plays the key role in Mind Power?

Science proves that we may experience real-world and imaginary actions in similar ways. So if you imagine positive dreams you will experience the same in actual things happen with you.
You can apply your visualization techniques by following steps:
1. Close your eyes and relax your body.
2. Start to create a film in your mind and see yourself achieving what you want. Make the picture big, bright and bold.
3.  Once you can see it clearly, put yourself in the movie – like you’re replaying a memory.
4.  Really feel the emotions – when I visualized winning an award I pictured being stood on a stage waiting to hear them announce the winner. When I actually won the award I felt the exact same feelings as if I’d already won it a thousand times before.
5. When you’ve finished visualizing say to yourself, “It’s a done deal” – you’ve got to believe with conviction that you can make it happen

Improve your brain power focus

Focus your mind
The mind development is much faster in young age. So if we really want powerful mind then we have to invest some small time to feed our mind with small helping guidance to move on in the correct direction. The brain is grabbing all the knowledge by experience.

So we have to change our life attitude to control the thoughts coming in mind. If you always have complaining habit then, of course, your mind always see some negative points in every situation.

You can try following points in your day to day life, and check how it works.

1)    Always think what is happening well on that day.
2)    When you thinking something good your brain organizes and reorganizes the positive from you.
3)    Always talk with yourself for few mins when you are alone. This will help you and your mind to sync.

Neuroscientists study shows brain activity relates to behavior and learning of human. Gaining knowledge is hard work and it takes a lifetime to master. So discipline your routine and success is yours!!.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Top Five Popular Mind Control Techniques

Mind Power Techniques

1.  Television, Computer effect:

In todays life, the revelation that lights can transmit coded Internet data by “flickering faster than the eye can see.”  The computer’s flicker rate is less, but through social networks, video games and a basic structure which overloads the brain with information, the rapid pace of modern.

2.Drugs —

This can be an addictive method, but the mission of mind controllers is to be sure you are addicted to some habit.The major concern of modern mind control is psychiatry, which aims to define people disorders in respective human potential.

3.Sports and Religion –
The simple techniques are: short circuit the natural tendency of people to cooperate for their survival, and teach them to form teams bent on domination and winning.  Sports has always had a role as a key distraction.

4.Modern mind control –

It is the combination of technological and psychological. Scientifically proven that exposing the methods of mind control, the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control advertising and propaganda. More difficult to counter are the physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex continues to develop and improve upon.

5.Think positive-

Positive visualization can be seen as an excellent enhancement of affirmations and one of the most powerful methods of all mind power techniques.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

What is subconscious mind?

subconscious mind
The subconscious mind is the section where mind stores all of your previous life experiences, good and bad memories, your skills, all situations you have through and every image you've ever seen.

All your feelings and thoughts are created and controlled by your subconscious mind. It plays a very important roll in your positive approach towards life.

By training, the subconscious mind with new programs can fix many problems in your personality and life. Be sure subconscious mind is as autopilot of your body and capable of running your body without causing you any problems.

So in personality development, subconscious mind training plays a very important role.